The Guarnieri's Technique for inguinal hernia repair
Our technique for Inguinal hernia repair was first performed on December 1988 by Antonio Guarnieri. Antonio Guarnieri developed other techniques for incisional, femoral and umbilical hernia repair.
Why to
choose our technique
Our technique differs from the others because -
respects the anatomy, and avoid the use of prostheses except in cases where it
is necessary - It is physiological, respects the function of the
inguinal canal and the musculature is preserved without placing full-thickness
stitches in the muscles - Unlike many other anatomical
techniques, sutures are tension free in our
method while we recognize in other so
called prosthetic "tension free" techniques numerous defects
Fig 1. Respect
the other anatomical techniques the Guarnieri's technique do not fix any muscle
(like the Bassini's technique for inguinal hernia repair). Stitches are never
placed full-thickness to not immobilize the musculature and preserve the
Fig 2. The hernia laxity (A) is used to perform
a double breast suture that doubles the layer reinforcing it (B).
Fig 2. The
prosthesis can be placed to further reinforce the layer over the muscle
(immobilizing it - C) or under it (D). It is better to avoid direct contact of the
prosthesis with the bowel (laparoscopy - case D). The prosthesis can be placed between the two hernia
sac flaps (Guarnieri 1988) so that the mesh can be covered and
protected.Fig 3.
The problem of suture tension can be seen in the picture (letter B) where a
suture that approximate the margins of an hernia opening is under tension. This
is the problem of the so called old anathomical techniques like the Bassini's
The modern anathomical techniques (Guarnieri's and Shouldice's
techniques) double layers (letter C).
Prostheses can be placed over or under
the muscles (letters C and D of the previous picture Fig. 2) to reinforce the
Fig 4.
It is a
mistake to put the prosthesis over the muscles leaving a false no tension (see
letter B). The laxity give no tension under rest, but this is not true
under stress. The abdominal pressure push on it reflecting the so called
Laplace law of physics.